Do303 is here!
28-May-18 | Categories: music | Tags: do303, dostuff, yourprivateradio, freeshows, shows, concerts, skatingpolly, charlybliss
DoStuff is new to Denver and it's here with Do303!
They started a 303 chapter around March 2018, while I was away in Austin and using Do512 app for everything SXSW. I was amped to come back from my Austin trip to see Do303 had started up. This could be really big for Denver. Westword is ok for a rag, but they don't transfer a good enough medium to web or an app. After winning tickets to see Skating Polly and Charly Bliss, I can easily say that we're starting to see what's possible with filling the music-scene-void in Denver. I'll be the first to say Denver has a long way to go, but things like Do303 are steps in the right direction.
The show was incredible. Both bands killed it. THANKS DoSTUFF and Do303!